Monday, February 18, 2008

Adsense Tips and Tricks

Most of the time, Google adsenser are gaming with the stats numbers for continuously improvement in their ads performance. generally speaking, most efforts are spent in growing up the CTR, EPC (earning per clicks), and Impressions (website traffics). The scope within these subjects are wide and it probably take pages to explain. what i will do here is to have a list of tricks and tips in order for you to start up. info given below are all based on my experience and it might works well, or bad with your websites. the main strategy in having a success with Google Adsense is always testing. test out what work for your website and what doesnt - thats the only answer for question on Google Adsense success.

Tips for click thru rate (CTR)

  • Rule #1: Blend Adsense ads into your writings.
  • Sometimes, going against rule # helps, try to make the ads stand out from the rest sometimes work. (it really depends)
  • Visitors generally view website from top left to bottom left of the screen, try put ads into that zone.
  • Test with different colors in background, title, and borders. there was once change of background colors help me to increase my revenue for 50%.
  • Dont overpush your visitors with too much ads, it might work worse and push your visitors to close the window instead.
  • Placing image at the side of adsense helps … however this might be performed carefully as it might goes against adsense policy. make sure you dont go against the rules to avoid bans.
  • Generally a 336 x 286 Large square ads works the best for me in term of CTR ..this is however, very very particular experience and it might not work the same on your websites.

Tips for earning per clicks (EPC)

If you ever feel that your ads clicks are undervalued, it probably is! Make sure there is no junk advertisers advertising on your website. ban them, chase them away from your Google Adsense block list so that it wont appears again at your site. what you want is SERIOUS advertisers that are willing to pay for good money in the trade of your traffics - not some other stupid MFA junk sites. Google Adsense Preview Tool comes very handy when you need to identify those MFA sites.

Another issues with EPC is that is your site content in the high-demand sectors? get a niche content to start up in your website but not too niche until there’s no related advertisers on your websites. i once knew a webmaster that had hard time getting his ads showed as his website is all about poems. if you are starting up your adsense website now, you better do something that relates to expensive keyterms.

Tips for ads impressions

Increasing ads impressions sometimes simply means increasing the website traffics. while there are lots of ways to generate more traffics for your website, i will put on some basics here:

  • Rule #1: Do proper SEO, make sure you follow the basics and do not fool around with the title tags, anchor text, and remember to build up your site link popularity always.
  • Get active in forums that related to your industry, speak politely, give helps, and refer your own websites to the others whenever appropriates.
  • Utilise digg,, reddit, technorati… engines to bring in more traffics.
  • Word of mouth strategy, have your friends and family to help up in promoting your websites.
  • Offline advertisement - radio ads, tv ads (if you got loads of cash), local classifies ..use them whenever its appropriate.
  • Write and submit articles to article directories.
  • Get your site to be more sticky, toolbar, softwares, newsletter, etc etc…make sure you can have as much return traffics as you can.


If you read on my how-to guide in making a decent income with google adsense, you probably already sense that Making money from Google Adsense is not that easy. yeah, its not that easy but hey, what good things come easy in life? the fact is that making money with Adsense is not easy but the chances of making good money is much higher when compare to real life busines. with Google Adsense, you can run all the necessary biz operations by just sitting infront of your desktops, traffics data and necessary info are just clicks away, and strategy testing are made easier online. doesnt it worth a try?

Now go make some money with Google Adsense!

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